Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Provo Library-ness

So... I am quickly becoming obsessed with the Provo Library. While I was figuring out how to get a library card this afternoon, I saw that they have "book club sets" of different books. You can get 15 books for 8 weeks at a time. I would imagine you probably have to reserve fairly well in advance but there is a schedule online. If there is a book we all want to read, those of us in the Provo area could sign up and get them together (aka book club...).


kate said...

I also loved the Provo lib.
And I saw/heard about their book club sets, but never knew how they worked. That is awesome.
When is book club starting again? Skype? Yes.

Also, not to brag about Boston, but here you can reserve a book and the next one that becomes available within the like 15 different libraries system they will ship to your library and then you pick it up there. It is INCREDIBLY fast!

Also they have new release movies for FREE. Awesome. Awesome.

LL said...

I'm moving to Boston. To be a nurse with Katie. and get books and movies fast.

kate said...

Do it! Do it!

Erin said...

Lorren, I still don't know exactly how to do it all, but they also have a thing where you can "check out" audio books in an mp3 format. I guess you download it, and then eventually the download expires and the file doesn't work anymore on your computer. But if you put it on your ipod or something, then it doesn't.

Like I said, I don't really fully understand it. A girl in my ward told me about it, and I spent a little bit of time messing with it on their website, but it was kind of confusing. We should jsut go there and demand a tutorial!

LL said...

Yes! That sounds like a great idea. I like their books on tape too because my car has a tape deck.

Aubrey said...

When I was in New York for the summer, I figured out how to download books for my ipod. It is super easy. When you check out the book, you need a program called overdrive to download the book to your computer. It is available for free from the eBook catalog website on the left-hand side of the page. Once you have that on your computer, you can download any of the available eBooks and then the overdrive software will also allow you to transfer the book to your ipod.

Chazlyn Robbins said...

What a beautiful library!